Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kitchen Re-do!

When we moved into the house we now live in, one of the things we didn't like about it was the
color in the kitchen. First of all, most of the walls are white tile, up to about 5 feet high - super easy to keep clean, but kind of gives it a hospital/morgue feel - especially with the big stainless steel sink on one side and the big tile wall divider that splits the kitchen in half. The worst though, was the walls above the tile - they were painted this horrible, dingy burnt orange color. It was just wretched.

Well, as I've mentioned before, there was some construction being done in the lot next to us. And as repayment for the inconvenience (and damage) that they did to our house, they painted our kitchen. We chose a lovely bright color, called Ocean Sigh. Now, we're adding accent colors - and when I say 'we', I'm talking about my hard-working mom - and we chose this super cute green apple color (as you can see from the pictures!) that we got from Sodimac.

My mom has been hard at work - she painted and reupholstered the little stool in this picture, and is painting the kitchen shelves now, as you see above. My husband took apart the little cabinet in the picture and painted it. We'd like to put some new hinges on it to finish the look. My mom was lucky enough to find those cute placemats that you see under the toaster. We'll post some before and after pictures when the whole thing's done.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thanks for the comments and advice on my guest blog :) I've definitely figured out to wear flip flops (or house shoes) at ALL times in the house :) and we actually have hot water, which I am thankful for and WILL be in the "winter".

    Stop by anytime! Looking forward to keeping up with YOUR peruvian adventures!


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